Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


tgl. 18 kmren, si abang ganteng JOSH FARRO sm ade'y ZAC FARRO cabut dr paramore...!
&ni berita yg mnghebohkan antero jagad parawhores.
secara ni iia... farro brothers lah yg bkin paramore.
pd geleng2 smua,,!! heran sm joash&zac.

ada yg blg gr2 josh pgn sm jenna lah,, truz zac'y pgn fokus ke study lah....
ada yg blg lg mreka uda gbung sm band baru lah... apa lah...
tp buad lebi jelaz'y bc j blog'y abang ganteng josh.

sungguh sangad sulit untug dipahami.
gag nyangka bgdh...!!
so sad dagh...!!

but, te2p dukung mreka kug.
walopun uda gag di paramore lg tp te2p setia sm abang josh...!

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Lyric Paramore - Turn It Off

I scraped my knees while I was praying
And found a demon in my safest haven

Seems like it's getting harder to believe in anything
Than just to get lost in all my selfish thoughts

I wanna know what it'd be like
To find perfection in the pride
To see nothing in the light
But turn it off in all my spite, in all my spite
I'll turn it off

And the worst part is, before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
Then in the free fall I will realize
I'm better off when I hit the bottom

The tragedy it seems unending
I'm watching everyone I looked up to breaking, bending
Taking shortcuts and false solutions
Just to come out the hero

Well I can see behind the curtain
The wheels are cranking turning
It's all wrong the way we're working
Towards a goal, that's nonexistent, it's nonexistent
But we just keep believing

And the worst part is, before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall I will realize
I'm better off when I hit the bottom

I wanna know what it'd be like
To find perfection in my pride
To see nothing in the light
And turn it off in all my spite, in all my spite
I'll turn it off
Just turn it off

Again, again

And the worst part is, before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall I will realize
I'm better off when I hit the bottom

And the worst part is, before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall I will realize
I'm better off when I hit the bottom

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010